Saturday, July 12, 2014

Five Types of Global Minds You Meet Abroad

From InterNations, the first international online community for people who live and work abroad, comes this article about the five types of global minds you'll meet:

The Explorer - Explorers are like nomads, roaming the globe because there is so much to see, learn, and experience, with each trip or stay abroad an adventure to somewhere new.
The Escapee - The escapee is less driven by a love for the unknown, and more by a desire to flee their home. I would fit here, wanting to escape the cold and rain, and the high costs.
The Foreign Partner - The foreign partner is living abroad not because of a love or hate for one country, but simply because of love, period.
The International Local - They may hunger for familiar accents and opportunities to speak the language, keen on sharing experiences, news and stories about the former host-country, or simply hoping to get back this feeling of travelling and experiencing foreign cultures.
The Classic Expatriate - There are three kinds: The alien sticks out in his host country and culture like a sore thumb, whether by choice (e.g. culturally insensitive behavior), or by circumstances (e.g. outward appearance). The elitist similarly does not integrate in the local culture, but spends most of his time, both at work and at home, with fellow expats. The assimilator, on the other hand, does their best to blend in by speaking the local language and adhering to local customs.

These are broad catagories. People you meet abroad may share characteristics of more than one type.

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