Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mexico’s Cristero War

It's easy to be a fan of Carmen Amato. She has written a number of books about detective Emilia Cruz fighting murder, corruption and the drug wars in Acapulco. Amato's novels are addictive. She has been described as a writer who "...knows this territory like a jaguar!"

Her latest book "Diablo Nights" incorporates the Cristero War the story of the priests who’d been executed or driven out of Mexico in the late 1920′s and early 1930′s when the Mexican government decided to get rid of the Catholic Church.
Miguel Juarez Pro was a Jesuit targeted by the government purge of priests. For months, as he was hunted throughout Mexico City, he employed disguises, safe houses, and quick thinking to stay ahead of the army troops on his tail. His story sounded like something from the annals of the French Resistance.
There was a movie made about the war. Here's a trailer:


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