Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thinking Of Bugging Out?

The Activist just released its recommendations for the five best countries to move to.
  1. Chile - go to Chile in our winter and spend summer there. "Chile is one of South America's most stable and prosperous nations, a recognized middle power and an emerging economy. It leads Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness, income per capita, globalization, state of peace, economic freedom, and low perception of corruption.  It also ranks high regionally in sustainability of the state."
  2. Uruguay - "Uruguay, also in South America, is considered one of the freest, most libertarian countries in the world. This small peaceful country has the charm of Europe, modern infrastructure, a stable economy with agricultural self-sufficiency, world-class tourism activities, and a healthy banking system. Uruguay maintains the highest nominal GDP per capita in South America."
  3. Thailand  and
  4. Malaysia -  Both countries have very low cost of living. For me, though, it would take a huge adjustment to live in an asian country.
  5. Mexico -  Nice to see Mexico on this list. "Mexico is an economic powerhouse and, although they rely heavily on trade with North America, they maintain a high level of food and energy self-sufficiency and have a much freer economy than the US. Also, Mexico's national debt is about 43% of its GDP compared to America's 106% debt-to-GDP.  Healthcare is an entirely free-market system with both public and private options for a fraction of US prices but with similar high quality care."
Mexico would be my choice for a bug out location. I suspect a lot of baby boomers will be eyeing Mexico.

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