Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This Is Not My America

The LA Times reports, "Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old who was about to begin college, was shot multiple times and killed Saturday afternoon in a confrontation with a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., a St. Louis suburb."
The police have one version of the event, eye-witnesses have an alternate story. The result was a riot and looting on Sunday and Monday and numerous arrests.

I have two major concerns. The first is the militarization of our police forces. Anymore, the police come to an incident dressed like SWAT teams exiting from vehicles that look like military assault vehicles. Martin Armstrong believes "The police are being transformed from protecting the public into protecting government from the public." That is dangerous for our liberty.

My second major concern is the lack of growth in our incomes in the last 14 years.
Zero Hedge has an article about how much of our incomes are devoted to rent. More and more people are switching from owning a home to renting. Home ownership has fallen from +69% to -65% since 2003.  The result has been rents rising against falling incomes.Financial advisers might council that housing should be around 30% of your income.
We are seeing a growing trend in this country where housing is over 50% of a family's income. What happens to our society when all you can afford is housing and food? Are we seeing pent up rage over the economy and its slow growth? Do riots like Ferguson signal that our veneer of civilization is about to tear?
I suggest Yes is the answer to all of the above!

1 comment:

  1. Police don't use a tank to chase down a burglar. Tanks are for facing down angry crowds. In their minds, they have seen the enemy and they believe it to be us.
