Thursday, May 7, 2015

Writer's Group

We formed a Writer's Group today here in San Miguel. Nine of us assembled at Starbucks at 1:00 pm to see if there was an interest in forming a group, how often to meet, rules and format, would it be a critique group and something else. We all agreed to a critique group in which one author would read from his writing or current project for about ten minutes and the group would offer advice or criticism; such things as the character works or doesn't, word choice, plotting,m etc. I am sure I will learn a lot.

There may be about 8 to 10 members ranging from successful novelists and non-fiction writers, to freelance writers like me that want to get on with my novel, to writers that want the shock of being with like minded people and how that can jump-start their writing and creativity. I just want to learn about my craft and see if what I do is any good.

This afternoon I prepared the first ten pages of my novel. I made sure it was double-spaced, properly indented and obvious errors and typos were removed or changed. When all was done, I sent it out with trepidation to the other members of the group. God, do I feel sick all of a sudden! It is one thing to talk with an author about his books, but then to have him or her peek at your

One member of the group said leave your ego at the door. It's not about you or me, but the writing. Can we make it better, I assume, so people will read what you wrote. I knew words have power. I saw many examples of that in my life. It really came home to me when a poem I wrote made such an impression on a young woman, that she started weeping. (Yeah, it was so bad, ha ha!). Somehow it touched a nerve with her. Maybe she was going through something similar to the situation in the poem. Anyway, that convinced me that if I did something well, two souls or minds could share a moment of closeness, just the way a sunset or beach or water fall can touch our senses.

Our next meeting is Thursday, so I  will report back, if I'm still a member of the group, that is.

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